With the new state government re-elected and confirmed since our last update, we are delighted to welcome the new cabinet position of Minister for Climate Action.
Amber Jade Sanderson MLA will fill this role and we look forward to discussing serious climate action with her over the next four years.
As our Captured State report showed the influence of the gas lobby over WA politics up to now, we hope that this new portfolio is a turning point which will give stakeholders like 350 Boorloo perth, the opportunity to be involved in discussions about our climate.
The newly elected government has a huge amount of power to do whatever they want in the next term of government.
With that power comes great responsibility and we hope to work with the state government to seriously tackle the state’s biggest source of emissions; the LNG industry.
We will be requesting a meeting with the new Minister very soon and hope to meet with her regularly. Now is a great time to build a relationship with your own local MP.
Requesting meetings now to discuss the recommendations in Captured State gives you the chance to build a relationship with your local member and keep lobbying them on the things you care about most over the next four years.
The “Captured State” report shows how much gas lobbyists meet with Ministers, it’s important for us to provide MPs with the facts they are not getting from the gas lobby. It’s time to take our democracy back.
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