On 2nd December, 350 Perth presented its ground-breaking Captured State Report and launched a campaign  to make the Captured State Report an issue for WA State MPs in the March the state election.

The report shows the coziness of the relationship between gas lobbyists and Ministers and the frequency of meetings between them. The extensive revolving door between industry, their lobby groups and government positions also maintains a corrupting mindset which prioritises further fossil-fuel production over climate issues.

Lead author Anthony Collins presents the main findings         Photo by Miles Tweedie Photography 


Helping to add to the wider story of the gas industry’s impact on WA and on climate justice, were Aunty Mingli Madu from the Climate Justice Union, Stephen from Friends of Australian Rock Art, and Claire from Lock the Gate.


The Western Australian Climate Policy, recently announced by the WA State Government,  shows state capture in full effect. With no mention of the threat to world climate posed by expanded extraction of carbon fuels, the new climate policy does next to nothing to reign in the gas industry, the state’s biggest emitters. The reasons for that and similar decisions are explored and identified in Captured State.


The plan from here

So now the report is out there, we are asking you to take the findings of it to your local state MP. Community members have already begun discussing the report’s findings and recommendations in Bunbury and Cottesloe. There are over 90 elected officials in the WA state government and we want to make the findings of the report an issue for as many of them as possible at the state election in March.

Organise a meeting with your MP
What you can do now         Photo by Miles Tweedie Photography 

You can help by getting in touch, organising a meeting with your MP, or having us present our report to your local community. Armed with the knowledge from the report, you can visit your MP well informed, with a confident strategy. We can help talk you through a strategy of how to meet with your MP. Having worked closely with Citizens Climate Lobby, we have developed a method of planning your meeting which can be tailored to your MP to be as effective as possible.


If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we can put you in touch with others in your community who are also keen.

Get in touch by filling out this form and we’ll be in touch soon to help guide you through the process.

Join 350 Boorloo Perth’s Captured State Campaign here.

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