March 14, 2021 350 Boorloo Perth Survey: Perceptions of the influence of the gas industry over WA politics 350 Boorloo Perth has created a survey to gauge the level of concern WA constituents have about the influence of the gas industry over WA...
March 14, 2021 “Gas-led recovery” panned by the energy market By Celine Lai RenewEconomy reports that AEMO, the Australian Energy Market Operator, may abandon plans to model a ‘gas led recovery’ scenario as part...
February 15, 2021 Climate Policies – What are the parties offering? By Cyril Toman The Greens “The Greens will ensure a swift transition to a zero-emissions economy powered by 100% renewable energy that looks after...
February 15, 2021 Something more to read by Andrea Azcarate Santos first target of wider fossil fuel exit campaign Activist investor group Market Forces is widening its radical campaign that asks ASX-listed...
December 14, 2020 When Australia’s Declarations are Hollow, Symbolic Gestures by Celine Lai Australia & the National Party of New Zealand believe that if we can meet our targets without changing our lives we should....
November 29, 2020 Australia Needs A Climate Policy Australia needs a new National Electricity Objective. Pages 6, 32 and 38 of the Repower Australia Plan explains this well. The National Electricity Objective (NEO)...
November 15, 2020 What are these masked intruders doing? With over 12,000 members joined up so far, the UniSuper Divest campaign has already forced Unisuper to divest from thermal coal mining companies and commit...
November 15, 2020 Let’s Make WA a Clean State By Celine Lai Clean State is an independent initiative, led by the Conservation Council of WA, that advocates for action on climate change and jobs...
November 15, 2020 Bushfire Royal Commission acknowledges role of climate change By Celine Lai The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, known as the Bushfire Royal Commission, was established on 20 February 2020 in response...
August 30, 2015 Islamic Climate Declaration Asks Muslims to Take Action On Climate Change Islamic leaders have issued an Islamic Climate Declaration, calling 1.6 billion Muslims around the world to work towards phasing out greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and towards...