By 350 Australia and Celine
Right now, the Government is running a “consultation” on how to spend public money on gas infrastructure.
But here’s the catch: they’re just asking what the oil & gas industry thinks.
The gas industry shouldn’t be the only ones with a seat at the table for such a big decision. Together we can flood their consultation process with voices from right across the country who would rather see that money going into their communities, not handed to big gas companies who don’t even pay tax.
Raise your voice and make a submission now on how you think they should spend the money.
The Government is considering funding gas pipelines, import terminals, storage facilities and other infrastructure that will help prop up a polluting and expensive industry.
You and I know that giving gas companies our public money is a road to more climate pollution and damage to ecosystems and groundwater. It flies in the face of what many Traditional Owners and local communities want. Economically, it makes no sense as there are many better ways we can rebuild from this pandemic.
And that’s where you come in. This is an opportunity to tell the Government what you want them to spend our public money on to recover from this economic crisis, whether it’s our education system or a local revegetation project. Will you write to them today?
All you have to do is click here and write a few ideas in the template and send it off. Every extra submission will force the government to consider them and they’ll be marked on the record.
The gas industry has been in the ear of the Morrison Government for months. We exposed the dodgy connections on the Covid-19 Commission and now they’re trying to make their case for taxpayer funded handouts to build dirty gas infrastructure like pipelines.
Together, we can make sure that they hear our voices louder than the gas industry.
Information is also available on the website of “Australian Parents for Climate Action” – click HERE .
UPDATE: 25/2/2021
The due date for submissions has been extended to 31st March 2021.
Please ensure you put in your Submission before then, and please encourage others to submit as well.