The divestment campaign goes after the corporations that maintain, perpetuate, lobby for, and profit from fossil fuels as a component of the nation’s energy picture, a significant difference from tactics aiming at individual behavior—turn off your lights, unplug unused appliances, etc
South Africa was not the only successful divestment campaign a similar powerful divestment campaign was mounted in the 1990s against investments in tobacco companies, with significant actions involving tax-exempt endowments. When Harvard University divested from tobacco, the reverberations were powerful and have continued.
Council Divestment
12 councils in Western Australia, representing over half a billion dollars are already under divestment motions in local government areas covering about 30% of WA residents and ratepayers.
City of Stirling, City of Melville, City of Armadale, Town of Bassendean, Town of East Fremantle, Shire of Goomalling, City of Swan, City of Vincent, City of Subiaco, City of Bayswater, Shire of Mundaring and City of Fremantle.