We cannot let Labor become complacent with their historic landslide victory, and our newly elected representatives will need to be held accountable for addressing the most urgent crisis of our time.

Left: Volunteers at a stall in Murray Street Mall on election day
On election day we launched a survey about peoples’ perceptions of the gas industry on WA politics, using the day that democracy is at the forefront to initiate conversations about this crucial issue.
We hope to use the results of the survey to demonstrate to politicians the widespread community concern about the influence of the gas industry on our democracy.
We will be promoting the survey via social media, email campaigns, stalls and letter-boxing – let us know at perth@350.org.au if you’re keen to distribute flyers in your area.
Keep a lookout for opportunities to get involved in the campaign by following us on Facebook, signing up to volunteer, or joining our next monthly meeting. We need all hands on deck to take on the fossil fuel lobby, avoid the worst impacts of climate change and secure a liveable future for all!