By Celine Lai
Giles Parkinson of Renew Economy reports on 30 July 2021 that the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is to model a range of scenarios that include a zero emissions grid by 2035, at the same time as much of the nation’s transport and other energy uses also turn electric.
The scenario, known as Hydrogen SuperPower, is one of five created by AEMO as part of work on its Integrated System Plan, ISP, its 20-year planning blueprint. But this scenario is the most important because it is the only one that is consistent with global efforts to limit average global warming to 1.5°C.
It assumes that grid emissions fall to zero by 2035, meaning no burning of fossil fuels for electricity, a huge increase in wind and solar, including rooftop installations, batteries, and the end to sales of new petrol and diesel cars.
“The scenarios form part of 1,000 pages of a report known as the Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report that will form the basis of AEMO’s next ISP, due next year, which delivers a blueprint of what is needed to manage the renewables transition.
“There is no doubt the energy transition is forging ahead. We have tried to capture this through a range of scenarios characterised by the growth of electricity demand and the pace of decarbonisation,” AEMO’s chief systems design officer Alex Wonhas said in a statement.
The grid needs to reach zero emissions by 2035 for the Hydrogen SuperPower scenario and if Australia is serious about delivering on the Paris climate target of 1.5°C.
This, of course, means no coal generation, and – in contrast to the federal government’s “gas-led recovery” narrative – there will be no room for gas (apart from maybe a handful delivering emergency back-up if needed).”
Now is the time for everyone to step up a lot, reach out to neighbours, acquaintances, family, friends, work colleagues, and the community, to stop gas and coal expansion around Australia.
For the complete Renew Economy report, click on the link below.
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