The Minerals Council of Australia are notorious for wrecking any attempt at climate action in Australia, and they’re empowered by the millions in membership fees that they receive. As the largest single member of the Minerals Council, what Rio Tinto says and does shapes climate change policy right here in Australia. 

Just last week, Rio Tinto released a statement about their industry group memberships, and in it acknowledged that the Minerals Council of Australia has advocated in a way that undermines the Paris Agreement. Rio claims to be a climate champion – they support the Paris Agreement and have a net zero emissions by 2050 target.

Right now Rio is choosing to stand with the Minerals Council, over people like you and me. If Rio Tinto wants to be taken seriously on climate, it has to leave the Minerals Council. They currently pay over $3 million a year to be a member of one of the world’s top ten climate-wrecking lobby groups.

For big corporates like Rio Tinto, their AGM is a chance to show what they stand for. With their next AGM coming up in Brisbane on May 7, you can let Rio Tinto’s Executives know that you want them to cut all ties with the Minerals Council by writing on their social media pages.

There is also a great opportunity for employees to have conversations within Rio Tinto about leaving the Minerals Council. If you, or someone you know, works for Rio, we’d love to hear from you.